Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

Please read the Bazaroo privacy policy carefully before using the Bazaroo Platform. This privacy policy highlights how Bazaroo collects, stores, uses and shares your (users’) personal information.


Listed below are the meaning/explanation of the keywords and expressions used in this policy document:

Bazaroo: the Bazaroo Platform LLC , also known as

Platform(s): the mobiles applications and website or any other online property that we use to offer various product(s) and services

Product(s) and Service(s): any product, service, tool, function, technology, content that we offer to Bazaroo users 

User posted Material: any content posted by the Bazaroo user. This includes and is not limited to ads, descriptions, explanations, details, and images

Privacy Policy Agreement

By using Bazaroo mobile applications or , you give explicit consent to Bazaroo to collect, use, disclose and store your personal information as set out in this Privacy Policy and our *Terms of Use. If you don’t accept and agree to this privacy or part of it, or the Terms of Use or part of it, you must immediately refrain from using the Bazaroo platform(s).

This privacy policy may be updated or changed from time to time at our sole discretion. Any updates will be forwarded to your (users) registered email and will be also updated on the Bazaroo platforms as well. It’s your sole responsibility to regularly review and understand the privacy policy.

The data we collect

When you first register in order to login to the platform, basic personal information will be required to verify your identity. The basic information includes but not limited to name, phone numbers, email and location. If you don’t provide this information, you will not be able to access the products and services on the Bazaroo platforms.

When you start using the Bazaroo Platform(s), we automatically collect various information that includes but not limited to device information, location, clicks stream data, cookies and any data captured by relevant digital technologies.

Sharing your personal information

The information that you have shared with Bazaroo, and other information automatically collected may be processed according to this privacy policy. Your personal information may be shared with:

  1. Other third parties associated with operating the platform such as the server cloud and webhost.
  2. Other third parties that help us deliver the products and services to you such as marketing email service providers.
  3. Other third parties approved by you when you opted to login using third party credential such as Google and Apple or other social media apps such as Instagram.

Your personal information is processed only for specific purposes related to accessing and using Bazaroo platforms and based on our instruction to, and agreement with, various third parties. The third parties are not allowed to process your personal information for any other uses than those related to the access and use of Bazaroo platforms for search/buy/sell purposes. Also, we may disclose your personal information to a legal authority if it’s required by law/court. 

Information processing purpose

Information about you will enable Bazaroo to provide you with easy access to specific sections of the platform and to ensure the best service and customer experience for you. The processed information will allow Bazaroo to notify you of special offers and provide you with other products or services that may interest you based on your profile and past interests. Bazaroo may also use your data to reach you to get feedback about the Bazaroo platform(s) and the services offered and to communicate to you of any changes to the platform’s content, design and scope of products and services.




We might send a message request to your computer, smartphone or tablet when you access the Bazaroo platform asking your permission to use cookies as a means to personalize user engagement with Bazaroo and provide you with better and more relevant service. Users may decline cookies If they wish so.



We have taken all possible measures to protect your personal information under Bazaroo’s control from any unauthorized access to your account or any accidental loss. We have set up advanced tools and procedures to prevent data breach. However, it’s your sole responsibility to keep your credentials confidential. If you have any suspicion of a data breach or unauthorized access to your account, please contact Bazaroo immediately.  

Policy Update

Bazaroo reserves the right to amend or update this policy without any prior notice. Notification will be sent to your registered email regarding any amendment or updates and the changes will be effective from the date of sending the notification. The amended/updated policy will also be available on the platform. It’s your sole responsibility to review and understand this privacy policy from time to time.



For further clarification on Bazaroo’s privacy policy or how we process your personal information, please forward your questions and concerns to the email:

*Terms of Use document can be found under the Terms of Use section